Thursday, June 4, 2009

Routines For Writers

Thanks so much to all of you for understanding that life is really hard right now. If a day comes and I can't blog it's not because I don't want to. My son and this mysterious thing, that is turning our world upside down has to come before anything really. Anything of this world, myself included. I'm really tired. But still vowing to finish Seventy Two Hours by the end of June. I write on the four hour drive to the hospital and the four hour drive back. I critique on the road. I appreciate all your good wishes, prayers(especially), and the hugs really, really feel good. :)

I know I've blogged on this topic before, but...! Developing your writers platform. There's a very good book on this subject. It's called, Get Known before the Book Deal. Written by Christina Katz. Its basic theory is that a platform strong writer is a writer with influence. In other words, know your platform, stand out from the crowd of writers and GET THE BOOK DEAL. She says that most writers underestimate how important platform is. And it doesn't take a heap of money. Yaa! It does take an in-depth understanding of platform, and then the investment of time, skills and consistent effort to build a platform. The biggest money waster? Not understanding who your platform is for, why-and hopefully save you from confusion from all the information overload. There is information overload. Have you googled writers platform before? YIKES! Information overkill!!!! UGH!!!

She says that writers confuse socializing with platform development. They think about themselves too much and their audience not enough. Christina also says that writers undervalue the platform they already have.

My questions to you are these. Do we writers really need to worry about this? Do we REALLY need to know our platform? Don't we have enough to juggle and learn about? :)


  1. Hi Robin. I'm so sorry ya'll are going through this. Ugh. I can only imagine how your son must feel. I will continue to pray for ya. As for the platform, I think for people who write nonfiction, then it is a must. But I don't think that would include those of us who write fiction.

  2. Robyn - give yourself permission to loosen the bonds of that writing promise. Do what feels appropriate given the life circumstance you are in and know that we will be here if your are writing or not. If it is an escape for you, then go for it. If it is stressing you out, then push that end date out a few weeks or more. Prayers and best wishes being sent your way.

  3. Make sure to take it easy, Robyn.

    I think a platform is something that develops from the kind of person you are (or the person you want to be). The closer to that you can make it, the less of an effort it is, and the easier it is to have.

  4. But Amy, she directed it at all writers. Fiction and non-fiction. We all need a platform. She says. I agree with parts of it, but not all of it. :)

    Tess, thank you so much. I'll remember your words, too. Please keep praying. I'll be in your debt!! :)

  5. I think we do. The key to that is knowing your audience and serving your audience. For example, on my blog, I keep track of what the most popular posts are and update accordingly. The "Today in Class" series became very popular, so I'm keeping that. The format of interviews, likewise. But some topics I've dropped because no one was really interested.

    Also: the books I talk about and the writing style, and authors, etc. are all MG or YA. That's me building my platform. I don't post about the classic literature I read, or about adult thrillers, etc. (unless I can link it back to MG/YA writing). My audience knows what to expect from me in that way.

  6. P.J., thanks for reminding me to take it easy. I will try and remember that. :) The kind of person I am, is my platform. Hmm, that makes it simple.:)

    Beth, I have started keeping track of those things on my blog, too. And since MG is my thing, YA someday too, then I consider that my platform. :)

  7. Thanks Buttercup. I need all of the above.:)

  8. I skip blogging all the time and have no kids, much less a sick one! I hope that your son gets better :-/

  9. You are so dedicated! Gosh--just worry about you and your son, not us! We totally understand and are just glad our hugs are being put to good use!

    Hug! hug! hug!

  10. *hugs and prayers* I really hope things ease up for you and your family soon. :)

    I think platform is needed, because it helps sell your book, and as an author, that's part of what you need to stay published. The world has exploded with the Internet. Authors are available as they never have been before. This can be a two-edged sword though. :D

  11. Angela, the hugs are definitely being put to good use. They make me feel so much better. Thanks, friend! :)

    Danyelle, please keep sending the hugs and prayers! :)

    I agree with you about the needed platform. But I wonder if it just gradually builds. The two-edged sword is exactly what it is. It seems that if you spend a lot of time working on platform, you won't have any time left to write! :)

    Oh and Ivy can't spell. She forgot the apostrophe in I'm, in the above out of school comment.

  12. I think it is important to think about our platform, but second to our writing. It's when we get the two switched we can run into trouble and our writing can begin to suffer.
    ~ Wendy

  13. Robyn, All of the great comments before mine are right on. Write first, then worry about platform. Blogging is awesome, and so much fun, but you can't let it get in the way of your family or of your writing. Stay strong and do what you can. If you miss a post here and there, that's okay.


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