Saturday, April 2, 2011

Books, Books, Books!

I say B stands for books. Say it with me! B stands for books! I say if you write you read. If you write novels, reading other books teaches you. If you write poetry, reading the poets helps you learn. If you write, you MUST read. NO matter what you write, reading books is the MOST important thing you can do. There are a lot of writerly help books and they're all good. We can learn a lot from them. But. Real. Writers. Read. 

Lately I've noticed a lot of writers along the blogosphere of life say that they don't read. They write. 


Excuse me????? If you write and you don't read, that tells me something smells NASTY here. How do you know how authors put their books together? Can you really get a feel for the way books are written? DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN WRITE A BOOK WITHOUT READING IN AND OUT OF YOUR GENRE????? 


If I didn't read tons of MG novels, I might dream I could write a book, but sriously, yanno?

I'd be beaten before even getting started. So take it from someone who's IN THE KNOW. 

I say if you write you read.


  1. I say you're write!!!! Fun and great post :)

  2. Books are awesome!! :-D
    Just stopped by from the A-Z Challenge!!

  3. Definitely agree! B is for books! And you must read in order to write. Both to learn what works and, in some cases, what doesn't. Great entry.

    Here's mine:

  4. Yeah, reading is a huge must for me. I don't read fast or a ton, but I do read consistently, and in a broad range, too. It's one of those things I tell writers when they ask me if I have advice. Read, I say. And write. A lot. :)

  5. I am constantly reading. Even if it's a book I don't particularly care for, I find it can help me realize what I don't want to do with my own writing.

    M.J. Fifield
    My Pet Blog

  6. B is for books. I love to read. It seems like I always have a book in my hand! So, maybe that is why I like to write because I like to read!

  7. I read every chance I get. Even if it's only for 5 minutes here and there, I get recharged very quickly and feel ready to write again. Love your "B" post Robyn :) Hope your weekend is going well. Love ya, Kel

  8. I totally agree, reading is a MUST!

  9. I completely agree, that we must READ. Someone told me that a writer needs to read a thousand books before he /she starts writing. Great post, Robyn.

  10. Yay to books and yay to reading. :o)

  11. Absolutely gotta read if you wanna write. Go books go! (Although I suppose some might think this is all a huge conspiracy by authors and publishers to sell more...books!)

  12. Words are words, whether you write them or read them, right?! Of course they are and words feed me spirit. Reading is a passion, the novel, the biography, a good mystery, poetry, it is all good.

    Great post.

    Thank you.

    Have a good Sunday.

  13. I agree if you are a writer, you have to read. I can't imagine life without books. I always have a book with me.

  14. I read. I love to read. I love to write. I need to read more plays. Thanks!

  15. It is funny but so true! I also love to read.

  16. love it!
    yes yes yes

  17. Yes, you can read lots of books on the craft of writing, but you need to read lots of fiction too. And study that fiction.

    Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers


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