Monday, February 15, 2010

Back from Unplug week for just a sec...

Cuz this is just too good to be true. Wait! Am I dreaming? *pinches self*

Our most awesome, coolest of the cool pals Elana Johnson is having her, Pay It Forward Query Critique Contest

Here's what you can win: A query letter critique.

By one of these top five literary agents!

1. Kate Testerman-Shafer of KT Literary (your critique will be posted on her blog, Ask Daphne)
2. Michelle Andelman of Lynn C. Franklin Associates (Elana's  fab agent!)
3. Mary Kole of Andrea Brown Literary Agency
4. Michelle Wolfson of Wolfson Literary Agency
5. Joanna Volpe of Nancy Coffey Literary & Media Representation

And that's not all.

Are you screaming yet? Go click over to Elana's house and enter. And good luck to everyone. (^_^)


  1. Oh, I hope dreams really do come true! :-)

  2. They do, Shannon, they do! And I'm on the yellow brick road today. ;) Skip, skip. I'm off to see he wizard (Elana) ;)

  3. Okay, no breaking the rules during unplugged week. Bad things happen when you do that . . . like the Dolphins don't make it to the Playoffs. I'm just saying . . .


  4. YAK, YAK YAK. I hear a pounding sound in my ears. Hmmm, wonder where it cometh from? =)

  5. I love how you come out from Unplugged week for just a second! You crack me up, Miss Robyn. You don't want to miss a thing!

  6. Amy, you know me too well, my friend!! I gotta be around the writing ACTION! ;)

  7. Hey, thanks for breaking your unplugged rule for such an amazing post! You are fab!

  8. Elana, no problem Elana. Thanks for having such a COOL, most awesome contest. =)

  9. Interesting! Thanks for finding me on FF. My teen daughter is an aspiring writer so this post is most interesting for me! I'm following you back!

  10. I can’t wait for the chance to win a query letter critique from one of these amazing agents.


Leave me a note! :)