Friday, April 13, 2012

L Stands For...

La-la land. This is mine. After I tell you mine, then you tell me yours. In my la-la land there are thousands of flowers and plenty of green grass. My horses romp and munch all the day long and they never have to eat hay, because the weather always stays a perfect 80 degrees. They never run out of grass either, because it grows right back after they eat it.  I write all day long and the words never fail me. The first drafts are ALWAYS the only drafts I write. (Dang, I'm good!) The publishers bang on my door singing this song, "We loves you Robyn, sign another contract. PLEASE! We need you, Robyn! You are the best writer in the world!"   Okay the song doesn't rhyme, but that's okay with me. I know it rhymes in their hearts.*wink*
Oh, and one more thing. I can eat whatever I want and I never gain a single ounce. Dieting is NOT allowed in my la-la land!
For more A to Z posts click on that alphabet box at the top of my sidebar. It'll take you there. Fast!                                                   


  1. There must be lots of dogs in your La-la land, Robyn.

  2. I want to come with you in your La-La-Land. I'll bring the ice cream!

  3. I like your la-la land--especially the dieting part. In my la-la land, laundry takes care of itself.

  4. Please tell me there's a direct flight from the city to your la-la land!

  5. I like your la-la land. The only thing I would add to it is just down the way, visible from the screened-in porch where we sip lemonade, is a lovely soft white-sand beach where the waves of the Caribbean lap. We have a lovely view of cays and islands, blue sky and ocean. We can go snorkeling any time we want. The water is always calm and clear. There are never any hurricanes and people love one another. (There are no mosquitoes either!)

  6. I think I'd enjoy living in your La-la land:)

  7. I just bought a ticket. I'm joining you in La La Land.

    Thanks for stopping in to say hi at the Write Game. I really liked your comment about paying kindness forward.

  8. The words never fail me.

    I would like to live in that la la land.

    And be able to eat anything I want without gaining weight.

  9. I love yor La-La land....mine would have some of those things; the ice cream, never gaining an ounce, all the ooey-gooey desserts but mine would be at the ocean overlooking the waves and it would be a constant 80 degrees with a soft gentle breeze with plenty of flowers surrounding me....
    love it!

  10. In my La-La land it's a perfect 60 degrees, nice autumn weather with the trees all those glorious colors. There's a nice little cabin where I can sit and rock in the swing outside with *no* bugs to ruin the moment. The dogs are all out having a blast enjoying themselves and I can just settle down and let the words flow. Now, if I only I could find a way to make my la-la land a reality! lol

  11. I'm a rock star! With Ninja writing skills.

  12. I am totally moving to La-La Land!!! :)

  13. Contracts. No diets. La la sounds perfect.

  14. I'm trying to think of my LaLaLand. But there's so many variations on it.
    Love yours, though.

  15. Your La-la land sounds lo-lo-lovely. No worries about gaining weight? Let's eat whatever we want without worrying about such mundane things as calories and cholesterol. In fact, perfect health should abound in good ol' La-la land. Your A-Z posts are super. Count me in as your newest groupie.

  16. Hi Robyn .. ear-soup in La La land .. and a wee time in borstal recovering? But we all live in La La land at times don't we .. everything's multi-coloured and bright and bootiful ..

    Fun - cheers Hilary

  17. Ooh-la-la!
    I love your La La Land!
    ... and then you wake up and find that your coffee is cold... *slot in unmentionable word*

  18. I'm joining you. Uh, someone else always cooks the dinner, right?


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