Wednesday, April 25, 2012

V Stands For...

vacant! Now where am I going with?? (I know I didn't finish the sentence, I'm trying to be cool.) Okay. I'm not, I know. *sigh* I could tell you that my mind is utterly empty after all these many days. And that could be true, but it has nothing to do with my writing. 

I'm talking about that empty page. Yep. I'm going to ask you how you plan to fill them. Because that's what it's all about, right? And those empty pages stare back at you waiting. And waiting. And waiting. What will you do with them? For more A to Z clicky on my alphabet box on the top of the sidebar. It flashes. Oooo! Sweet!  ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS!!!!!! *gasp*                                                    


  1. I've got many vacant pages waiting to be filled right now. I've also got pages littered with words I need to delete...and that's another story altogether!

  2. Almost there! Only two more letters until X. I'm always anXious for X. :)

  3. That's a very pretty V. You have a lot going on now, and you're still managing to write. YaY, You! Now that we have our little group, I try to work on something everyday, even if it's not my main thing. I have too many vacant days before our group!

  4. lol Did you have to remind me of this dreaded V word? lol

  5. Well, you'll always be cool to me, amigo! Vacant pages, yes, I have some, and then sometimes I have so many ideas but so little time to get them down on those vacant pages. It's a conundrum. :P

    Happy Wednesday!

  6. Vacant page usually means a vacant mind for me. And a vacant mind usually means I'm distracted and I need to focus more.

  7. I like the empty pages. That pure white space just waiting for me to enter. Soon, I'm put new words on those shiney white pages. Breath in.

    Play off the Page

  8. Stopping by to say hello. I like your choice of word for the letter V. I've dealt with the vacant page. Doing some freewriting before the actually writing begins has helped me.

  9. Just put your pen to that empty paper and write SOMETHING... ANYTHING :) Even if it's a doodle or a stick figure. That's what I always have to tell myself!

  10. Empty pages. Ugh. Yeah, I find the first empty page on a new project the very biggest of obstacles. Once I start writing though, I tend to be alright :)

    ~ Rhonda Parrish

  11. I'm not one to stare at an empty page. I usually approach the page when I have an idea that's ready to be captured. So I guess I find the empty page full of promise and not so intimidating.

  12. How did you know that's exactly how I feel about now??? Do you have special powers?

  13. Well, if V is for vacant (pages) waiting to be filled, then I'm guessing w is going to be for the writing that fills them :)

  14. A week after the Challenge ends, I am attacking those blank pages!

  15. Hi Robyn .. vacant - you're not vacant - that page will refill itself .. cheers Hilary


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