Sunday, April 1, 2012

It's Baacckk! Good ol' A TO Z!

This year my topic will be on writing. Since I write stories, I thought that would be an interesting topic.*wink*
A stands for Adverbs and Adjectives! 

Mrs. Adverb searched for her son Adjective in the waning daylight. She turned down Hollis Street, her arms swung wildly as she moved closer to their home. She remembered how Robyn had killed her husband in the last story she had written. She came off the street and faced her front porch holding her breath, hoping beyond hope that the writer had not gotten to her only son.
Adjective raced into her arms recounting his tale of how he escaped near death in another of Robyn's stories.
She heard him say, "Robyn won't rest until we're all dead!"

Go check out more A to Z posts here.


  1. Oh Robyn! I know I'm going to giggling every day!

  2. Oh adverb, thou cussed thing. And adjective. How come all the big authors get to use them willy-nilly all over their 500 page best-sellers while I slash and burn them like fleas?

    (Oh, yeah, them--best seller, me--still aspiring.)

  3. Happy A day!!
    Good luck with the challenge, I'll be stopping by every day, if I can.

  4. Nice! I wish my elementary teacher had used something like this to help me remember grammar! So what was the husband?

  5. LOVED this post. I thought about writing about adverbs today too but I wouldn't have been anywhere near as creative.

    Such a great theme for the month. Looking forward to reading more.

    M.J. Fifield
    My Pet Blog

  6. Aww, I never knew you were so mean! Your poor character.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  7. Hi Robyn .. what a fun way to appreciate grammar .. looking forward to tomorrow's post .. Mrs Adverb sounds quite tough .. very interesting .. I might have been taught something by the time you finish the A - Z with me ..

    Cheers Hilary

  8. What fun! I'm definitely looking forward to your posts as the month progresses!

  9. LOL.

    I love your A-Z theme! It's actually one of only a few (compared to the number of writers in the blogosphere).

    The Golden Eagle
    The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

  10. Lovely beginning! Look forward to your challenge posts!

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    ---Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

  11. Awesome!!
    I'm already behind...anyway...

  12. You are going to make this fun, for sure! Happy Easter my friend :)


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